Thursday, April 24, 2008

Indoor Gardens

Summer time is upon us. Sunshine and cool breezes are welcomed back eagerly everywhere and New England is no different. This weather always makes me think of plants alive and vibrant. Tomatoes and Basil spring to mind and make me instantly hungry!
So for those who have the land, knowledge and desire to grow- enjoy all the fruits & vegetables of your labor. For others go to your local produce stand or farmer's market and get fresh in season food.

If you are like me and live without garden space and would love to grow something anything try out indoor gardening. Many have potted jade tree, spider plants (that's what my mom used to call them) and other easy growing, die resistant plants in their home. There are other ways to grow indoors (one ex. hydroponics) and different types of plants (i.e. rosemary).

Check out your local nurseries and of course search online for the types of plants you want to grow. If you have a window or you have a spot to grow hydroponics then don't let this summer be like the past, grow today!

(Didn't that sound like an infomercial!!)

Plants I hope to grow indoors:

Rosemary, mint (separately), calendula (I'm not sure about this yet), aloe, chives & lettuce.
It's not etched in stone but I'll put pictures up of the finished products.

Enjoy the rest a beautiful day!

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