The first thing you need to do when planning an echinacea party is to decide what you want to do.
Are you planning on making teas, dry fresh flowers, make tinctures or even oils? Let's take making a tincture of this immune boosting herb as an example.
Buy your supplies.
- echinacea~ You can get dried or fresh root however, I prefer fresh roots.
- grain alcohol~ Try any grain alcohol with that is at least 80% proof. I prefer Vodka.
- empty jars! You can find large jars in many different places, Walmart, Target, Christmas Tree Shop, yard sales and online. Just make sure to clean and dry the jars thoroughly before use. I like using large pickle jars myself.
Invite friends.
Depending on how much space you have and herbs you get will determine how many guests to have. Also, how much echinacea does each person want to take home? You can suggest that each person bring a small to medium jar with them.
Clean and chop!
Make everyone get involved in cleaning the roots carefully to get as much dirt off as possible and then chopping up the roots. Not only is it wholistic by being part of the whole process, it's fun to get a little dirty. Okay, you CAN wear gloves! Put the roots on paper towels to dry a little if you prefer. This is a great time to take a snack break.
Fill the jars.
Now it's time for everyone to fill their jars. There are many different methods of making tinctures, some more precise than others. This is a Simpler's method. For a more scientific formulation of Echinacea tincture please browse the links below. Fill the jars about 1/3 full. Top off with 2/3 Vodka or other type of grain alcohol. For those who choose to abstain from alcohol you can also make tinctures out of a glycerin base. That can be found at many online stores like Mountain Rose Herbals. You can always boil the strained tincture before taking to reduce 1/2 of the alcohol content.
*The next steps are done 3-4 weeks later*
Close the lid tightly and shake up the tincture. Make sure that the herb is completely covered.
This is the end of the process, for now anyways. Each person should take their tincture home and shake it often for at least 3-4 weeks.
Strain and store.
I use coffee filters and strain it twice but everyone finds their method. You can keep the tincture in a dark place and it will keep for a few years at the least. That is if it lasts that long!
*Back to the party*
Just like any party make sure your guests are happy, engaged and most importantly enjoy yourself.