Sunday, December 2, 2007

Planning an Echinacea Party!

The first thing you need to do when planning an echinacea party is to decide what you want to do.

Are you planning on making teas, dry fresh flowers, make tinctures or even oils? Let's take making a tincture of this immune boosting herb as an example.

Buy your supplies.

  • echinacea~ You can get dried or fresh root however, I prefer fresh roots.
  • grain alcohol~ Try any grain alcohol with that is at least 80% proof. I prefer Vodka.
  • empty jars! You can find large jars in many different places, Walmart, Target, Christmas Tree Shop, yard sales and online. Just make sure to clean and dry the jars thoroughly before use. I like using large pickle jars myself.

Invite friends.

Depending on how much space you have and herbs you get will determine how many guests to have. Also, how much echinacea does each person want to take home? You can suggest that each person bring a small to medium jar with them.

Clean and chop!

Make everyone get involved in cleaning the roots carefully to get as much dirt off as possible and then chopping up the roots. Not only is it wholistic by being part of the whole process, it's fun to get a little dirty. Okay, you CAN wear gloves! Put the roots on paper towels to dry a little if you prefer. This is a great time to take a snack break.

Fill the jars.

Now it's time for everyone to fill their jars. There are many different methods of making tinctures, some more precise than others. This is a Simpler's method. For a more scientific formulation of Echinacea tincture please browse the links below. Fill the jars about 1/3 full. Top off with 2/3 Vodka or other type of grain alcohol. For those who choose to abstain from alcohol you can also make tinctures out of a glycerin base. That can be found at many online stores like Mountain Rose Herbals. You can always boil the strained tincture before taking to reduce 1/2 of the alcohol content.

*The next steps are done 3-4 weeks later*

Close the lid tightly and shake up the tincture. Make sure that the herb is completely covered.

This is the end of the process, for now anyways. Each person should take their tincture home and shake it often for at least 3-4 weeks.

Strain and store.
I use coffee filters and strain it twice but everyone finds their method. You can keep the tincture in a dark place and it will keep for a few years at the least. That is if it lasts that long!

*Back to the party*

Just like any party make sure your guests are happy, engaged and most importantly enjoy yourself.

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Herbal Thoughts

While researching some herbs for a client I stumbled across many remarkable websites. Since I am still in Greensboro, I have been separated by my ever-growing library. (No pun intended!) Without my class notes and resource books I was at a loss to research Hawthorn, a herb I rarely use. That did not stop me for long however as I quickly turned to the Internet. I found many sites that discussed the positive points of hawthorn as well as interactions with medications.
I also got to listen to my first podcast! I know that they've been around for awhile now but it was exciting for me! Christopher Hobbs podcast can be found here In the meantime, I've decided to start hunting down copies of the books I have at home or similar ones, most likely at my favorite store here Edward McKay's. Don't even let me start on that subject. And if I have to I can always ship my books from home.
So in conclusion, don't be afraid to research herbs online, however, make sure that you are checking more than one source (at least three is a good idea) and make sure it's from a reputable source. I'll drop some of those links off here that I enjoyed perusing today.
Until then, take care and have a great day!

Wednesday, June 27, 2007


Hello again.

It's been some time since I lasted posted. Spring has come and gone. Now that's it's summertime on Cape Ann things are really beginning to ramp up. Especially the traffic. Thankfully the bridge by Good Harbor was open some time ago and that won't make Eastern Ave traffic any worse than it already is.

I just wanted to take a moment to let clients, possible clients and friends know that I will be out of state for an undetermined amount of time. Once I know when I'll be back I will of course let you know right away. I hope to be back soon but while I'm away I plan to study for the National Certification maybe even take it!

Please continue to check out my websites since I'll be putting more links and information of other practitioners on it for your convenience.
Take care and see you soon.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

My Space

Office Space that is.

For those clients that have been to my office in Gloucester you'll understand why I go in extra early before a session. I sublet the office on the weekends from another practitioner~ Brenda Weiberg. She not only decorated the room beautifully but hung some of her original and amazing artwork too.
The first thing I notice when I walk in the room is the green. A light, calming hue. Green just happens to be my favorite color.
Next, a tapestry on the wall not the CD. It fits perfectly between two large windows. It is subtle, white and tan, the tree of life. I love the natural sunlight and during the day not needing artificial light. Looking out the windows is Eastern Avenue just before Nugent Stretch with woods beyond the road.
No pictures right now but hopefully this brief description along with your imaginations will help you to anticipate a warm, inviting, safe, non-sexual place for your next session. Until then.

Take Care.

Tax Time

For those of you who have not done your taxes or filed an extension, tax deadlines are upon us. I filed online at TaxSlayer. While visiting the IRS site looking for a place to e-file I found TaxSlayer among a slew of other online tax sites that offer free filing of federal and state to qualified citizens. Age and income are the main factors.
It was exactly what I needed this year, quick and easy, plus I love their logo!
So if you are one of the many down to the wire check out e-filing. I did, yesterday!

Take Care.

Massage Week Soon!

Looking forward to the summer?
Now there's another reason too.
Massage Week is coming this July.
Come back for more details later.

Take Care.


Evening or Good Morning!

After much hemming and hawing I FINALLY put a website back up. I have no delusions of grandeur when it comes to my web design skills. Instead, I find I get myself caught up on simple design decisions.
So for the present I have a short and sweet page I created through ABMP. It directs you to my more detailed site which I hope to have up and running my the end of this month.
Until then, please bear with me!

Take Care,

Sage Rose

How Often Do You Get a Massage?

Interesting Stuff